Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Business Cards

I found this project really difficult, actually. In fact, according to my self- assessment with the rubric, I'm somewhere between a C or a D...no good. I did try, but I found InDesign to be difficult to use and it would take months for me to figure out how to use all of the functions--even the few that were required of me. But I did get it done.
As far as the design process, I used bright primary colors and sort of whimsical fonts because I was doing a sort of funny and entertaining card. I think I sort of already knew this in the back of my mind, but when doing typography research I realized the type of business you're representing/promoting has a great deal to do with the fonts and typography you choose. I also changed the color a few times and had to adjust the size of some things, but it was kind of hard for me so I tried to keep all that to a minimum.
I learned that I have a lot to learn about design and even more to learn about Adobe products. I also learned that it's a heck of a lot easier to just use the design templates!!

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